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Tuesday October 8th is Ada Lovelace Day , to help celebrate, Intelliware is hosting its annual Ada Lovelace Day event for young women in middle and high schools interested in finding more about STEM-based careers.

Ada Lovelace was a mathematician and writer, primarily known for her work on the Analytical Engine, a mechanical general-purpose computer proposed by Charles Babbage. She believed that computers were capable of more than simple calculations and explored the societal impact of technology. She also published the first algorithm meant to be implemented on a computer, and as such, is often recognized as the first computer programmer.

Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) is an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). It aims to increase the profile of women in STEM and, in doing so, create new role models who will encourage more girls into STEM careers and support women already working in STEM.

This year will be Intelliware’s 8th year participating in Ada Lovelace Day. We look forward to hosting these young engineers every year, and want to say thanks to the women at Intelliware that help make us leaders in innovative software development.

How to get involved

The Finding Ada site suggests to get involved you can create content about a woman in STEM that you admire. Write a blog post, record a podcast, make a video, draw a comic. What you do doesn’t matter, so long as it’s publicly available and has a URL.

If you are interested in joining us for our 8th Annual Ada Lovelace Day Celebration, please e-mail us.