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Ada Lovelace, a mathematician and writer, is primarily known for her work on the Analytical Engine, a mechanical general-purpose computer proposed by Charles Babbage. She believed that computers were capable of more than simple calculations and explored the societal impact of technology. She also published the first algorithm meant to be implemented on a computer, and as such, is often recognized as the first computer programmer.

Ada Lovelace’s contributions are a perfect example of the innovation and value that women bring to the STEM-related fields. To celebrate the achievements of these women, we’re pleased to announce that we will be hosting our seventh annual Ada Lovelace Day celebration.

Intelliware invites local middle and high school students to the office to learn more about all of the possible STEM career paths. The celebration will take place from 3:30—5:00pm on October 9th. It will include an office tour, an informal discussion about STEM-based careers, snacks and a hands-on activity.

This event is organized by Intelliware to inspire women to pursue careers in the technology field and to support those already working in the industry. If you are interested in joining us for our Ada Lovelace Day Celebration, please e-mail us.