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Intelliware’s relationship with Women Who Code started in 2017, when we became the first Toronto company to participate in their Network Sponsorship program.  As our partnership continues to grow, it is with great pleasure we announce our third annual Women Who Code Meetup to be held on Tuesday, October 8th at Intelliware’s DevSpace, at 200 Adelaide Street West in downtown Toronto. For the third year in a row we will be celebrating Ada Lovelace Day alongside the Women Who Code Toronto Chapter. This year we will be hosting a Happy Hour of Lightning Talks: 3D Technology, Imposter Syndrome, Design Systems & More!

6:15PM – 6:45PM: Sign in & Networking
6:45PM – 8:15PM: Lightning Talks
8:15PM – 8:45PM: Wrap Up


BC Holmes, Chief Technologist at Intelliware: Will it blend? New Trends in 3D Technology

BC often works with leading-edge technologies. She led the team that implemented the first web-banking application in Canada, and implemented systems that allow you to buy a Coke with your cellphone – in ancient times (back in the year 2000). She has over 25 years of software development experience; 19 of those years have been with Intelliware. BC has a Bachelor of Math from the University of Waterloo.

Natalie Chin, Software Developer and College Professor at George Brown College: Hacking Imposter Syndrome

Natalie is a Software Developer and College Professor at George Brown College. She is currently teaching at one of the first blockchain programs of its kind in the world. At STK, she built a solution on Ethereum, allowing cryptocurrency purchases to be made in real time. Natalie is also an avid hackathon organizer and attendee. She led DeltaHacks and Stackathon, both events meant to inspire and educate new developers. She is always passionate about learning the newest technology, and finding ways to better use technology in real world applications.

Donna Vitan, Senior Interaction Designer at TELUS Digital: Designing Systems to be Inclusive

Dedicated to the craft of human centered design, in finding opportunities to remove barriers and helping people get things done. Also believes that Chatime is the best bubble tea, and often gets triple tapioca.

Stella Kim, Developer Lead at Ada & Director at WomenWhoCode : TBD

Morgan Klein-MacNeil, AVP, Air Canada Partnership & Loyalty Program Technology : TBD

As Toronto continues to explode as a technology hub, Intelliware encourages more women to consider technology as a viable profession which can lead to a rewarding, enjoyable career. WWCode is a great organization for fostering this and Intelliware is proud to support them. Click here to register for the meetup.