In the face of COVID-19, enterprises in Canada and the United States have dutifully battened down the hatches, doing what they must to navigate this storm. Intelliware has been no different.
We’ve spent the last 30 years building software for organizations in complex industries to help them achieve their business outcomes. As Agile pioneers and seasoned practitioners, we follow a disciplined set of remote co-teaming practices that enable us to collaborate effectively with our clients, no matter where they happen to work.
In fact, in early March, Intelliware migrated all 100+ employees to remote working and collaborating with our partner clients. Fortunately, we had the infrastructure and systems to enable our teams to make this move seamlessly. We adapted certain tasks but required no significant changes. Our technical processes remain intact and unaffected by working remotely.
That’s good news for our clients. Our business continuity enables them to keep developing their strategic projects during the temporary downturn. Over the next month or two, we’ll share how’ve we’ve been able to make the transition, and how we intend to sustain it.
In the meantime, continuing to invest in the digitization of your business processes is more important than ever. When this time passes (and it will), the organizations investing now will come away more resilient, competitive, and productive than ever.
Accelerating digital journeys remotely
Let us help you adapt your business vision and operations to a new reality. Explore what’s possible with a modern technology stack, Agile adoption services, and remote collaboration practices perfected over time, from hundreds of successful projects.
During these uncertain times, decision makers must move out of reactive mode into strategic mode and invest in areas that help them get to what is necessary to survive in the “new normal.”
Granted, projects and priorities will need to change and evolve, as obvious truths surface. Some businesses, even industries, will need to pivot. FINTECH and banks alike may grow their digital footprint by broadening their offering or integrate products and services through partnership or acquisition. Retailers need more robust ecommerce experiences to survive. Healthcare providers must expand secure remote patient care technologies to deliver a predominance of care in the home.
Although technology can help save the day, business leaders face uncertainty. Strategically re-igniting development projects within organizations or changing course in a lengthy digital roadmap during a pandemic represents unchartered territory. Even as many corporations big and small sit idle as they struggle to identify, prioritize, and organize their teams, decision makers must step up with a plan to reshape and refocus their vision for the road ahead.
Pioneering technology companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google invested billions into building networks of data centers and the cloud infrastructure to give organizations access to transformative technologies, including artificial intelligence. Of course, harnessing those many innovative technologies takes substantive technical skills and deep development expertise.
More than ever, technical expertise is at a premium, making it very challenging and expensive for companies to go it alone. Most need a partner they can count on for strategy, deployment, and training. Most of all, they must have masteredcollaboration.
Intelliware can help your company adapt to the new reality. We can help you prioritize, evolve, and accelerate your digital journey! Discover how well we listen. Contact us today.
About The Author: Andrea Ramirez
More posts by Andrea Ramirez