Agile Adoption Services

There is increasing pressure on application development teams to be able to quickly respond to changing and evolving business needs. These teams are finding that traditional application development and project management practices are slowing them down. Many of them, in both small and large organizations, are turning to Agile.

Becoming Agile requires disciplined adoption of Agile engineering and process practices to enable an Agile mindset and culture. This is a challenging exercise. We believe Agile adoption can be accelerated by co-teaming with Agile experts on a development project. Behavioural change is more likely when those learning Agile are working side-by-side with seasoned Agile practitioners. It’s conversion through immersion.

Our Agile Philosophy

  • We advocate for Agile because we know first-hand that it helps application development teams deliver.
  • Adherence to Agile technical practices and continuous delivery is critical.
  • Agile is about driving delivery from the bottom-up while receiving strong support from the top-down.
  • Discipline is necessary and should enable change, not limit it.
  • Agile can and often needs to co-exist with other delivery methods.
  • Agile transformation will have a different flavour in each organization yet key enabling ingredients will remain the same.

Our Agile Adoption Framework

  1. Assessment – We get a baseline of your current state, provide foundational training and then establish a plan to move forward. We do this by conducting stakeholder interviews, reviewing documentation, and observing current state processes.
  2. Training – We provide fundamental training and establish a framework for ongoing training.
  3. Embedded co-teams – You select a team to adopt or enhance Agile and we co-team with them on a development project.
  4. Centre of Excellence Implementation Support – We use the co-team(s) as a real life lab, iterate through the enterprise level adoption changes, and establish a Centre of Excellence to help ensure that Agile remains embedded in your organization

4 Pillars of an Agile Adoption

Agile Bootstrap addresses numerous elements of Agile adoption:

  • On-boarding and fundamental training
  • Role definitions and responsibilities
  • Hiring and performance practices
  • Feedback and compensation
  • Technology landscape and vision
  • Continuous integration strategy
  • Testing strategy
  • SDLC support tools
  • Best practices
  • Agile process customization
  • Process training and coaching
  • Co-teaming and Agile team integration
  • Hybrid process integration
  • Adoption strategy
  • Organization structure
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Governance & reporting
  • Metrics

Our Agile Experience

Intelliware was an early pioneer and practitioner of Agile. We have successfully delivered hundreds of real projects using Agile over the last 15 years. Co-teaming is an approach we’ve used on numerous projects as a way to successfully propagate and transfer Agile skills and culture. As a result, we’ve helped transition a number of our customers to Agile, including several large technology/software companies and several large banks and pension plans.

We are actively involved in the Agile community. We were founders of the XP/Agile Toronto user group. We are also a founding member and regular contributor to the Toronto Agile Community.

Contact us today to learn more about our Agile adoption services.

Banks that apply Agile methodologies to less than a quarter of their projects deliver 70% of projects on budget and 55% on time. In contrast, banks that use Agile in more than half of their projects deliver 96% of projects on budget and 79% on time.

– McKinsey & Company

Agile Development eBook

Agile Process

Agile Co-Teaming Case Study